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General Manager of Amari Hotel Group in Bangkok points towards sustainability as the way forward

Sustainability is going to be the minimum standard for hotel and hospitality sectors, area general manager of Amari Bangkok Hotel Sukamal Mondal, told the seminar “MarketHub Asia 2023”, noting that the hospitality sector is having a huge impact on the environment.

He pointed out that people in Bangkok generated 1.5 kilograms of waste per person per day, and two-thirds of that waste comes from foods and beverages.

“We are in an industry that produces significant amounts of food and beverage,” he said, “So if we don’t take immediate action, there is an issue.”

Mondal said the majority of young people believe the world will be doomed in 2030. One out of 10 people think they will not have children because they think civilization as we know it will end.

However, he does not believe young people’s concerns will come true if everyone joins the journey to sustainability.

“78% of guests prefer to stay in hotels that practice sustainability,” he said, “Hence, sustainability is going to be the minimum standard for the hotel and hospitality sectors.”


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