According to the Department of Business Development, up to 21,880 enterprises with a combined registered capital of 127.04 billion baht will discontinue operations in 2022
Thosapone Dansuputra, director-general of the department, noted that this was consistent with liquidation trends during the previous five years.

The top three business categories that went into liquidation were: 2,012 general building construction businesses, which accounted for 9% of all organizations that did so; 1,023 real estate businesses (5%); and 623 restaurants (3%).
15,649 firms, or 71.52% of all businesses, had capital of under 1 million baht. It was followed by 5,200 companies with a capital of 1 to 5 million baht (23.77%), 916 companies with a capital of 5 to 100 million baht (4.19%), and 115 companies with a capital of more than 100 million baht (0.53%).
Around the nation, 76,488 new enterprises were founded in 2022, 3,530 (or 5%) more than in 2021.
The top three industries included restaurants (3,014), real estate (4,833), and general construction (7,061), which together accounted for 9% of all firms.
In 2022, newly founded businesses invested a total of 429.82 billion baht, an increase of 200.02 billion baht (87.04%) from 2021.
52,674 (68.84%) of the recently founded enterprises have capital under 1 million Baht, 22,583 (29.52%) have capital between 1 and 5 million Baht, 1,014 (1.33%) have capital between 5 and 100 million Baht, and 217 (0.28%) have capital beyond 100 million Baht.
In 2022, capital investment will increase by THB200m, but approximately 22,000 enterprises would close.
As of December 2022, Thailand had 850,480 companies with a combined capital of 21,19 trillion baht.
200,437, or 23.57% of the total, were limited partnerships and registered ordinary partnerships, followed by 648,661 (76.27%) and 1,382 (0.16%), respectively, by limited businesses.
While 499,669 businesses—58.75%—have capital of under one million baht, 257,061—30.22%—have capital of between one and five million baht, 76,340—8.98%—have capital of between five and one hundred million baht, and 17,410—2.05%—have capital of over one hundred million baht.