Executives from the HNA Group recently announced their intention to buy hundreds of new aircraft before the end of the decade. With these more aircraft, the group’s fleet will total more than 1,000 airplanes. The group has been attempting to meet the growing demand for air travel when this announcement is made. By 2035, the airline firm hopes to operate a fleet of 1,200–1,300 aircraft, and it wants to keep growing for the next ten years.
A plan for growth
HNA Group recently declared its intention to operate a fleet of 1,000 aircraft by the end of 2029, which suggests that additional aircraft orders are forthcoming given that the group does not currently have a fleet large enough to meet this goal. HNA Group has a combined fleet of more over 800 aircraft, claims Caixin Global. The most well-known airline in the HNA group is the Chinese carrier Hainan Airlines. Hainan Airlines, the largest carrier in the HNA Group, now supplies over 25% of its fleet and is expected to be the primary user of these new aircraft. The airline ordered 60 COMAC C919 aircraft and 40 ARJ21 regional jets in April. It can be assumed that Hainan Airlines and other HNA Group companies will make a large number of additional orders over the next few years because this order won’t be enough to give the HNA Group the planes it needs to achieve its goal.
Executives from the group have not yet provided any information on the future orders. Hainan Airlines has historically operated a fleet that is mostly made up of foreign aircraft manufactured by Boeing and Airbus. It is possible, though improbable, that it will start using a substantial fleet of Chinese-made aircraft after its most recent acquisition. In the future decades, it’s likely that Hainan Airlines will switch from a fleet that is mostly built abroad to one that is made domestically if it grows to love the C919 aircraft.

In response to a demand
Government-enforced travel restrictions significantly impacted the world aviation business in the first few months of 2020. These travel limitations had a negative effect on the sector and the world economy. To allow for a rise in air transit services, many of these travel restrictions were changed or eliminated last year. When air travel resumed, there was an increase in demand for which many airports and airlines were unprepared. Although this surge in demand created many issues, it also resolved the industry’s main problem—having little to no business. Worldwide demand for air travel is increasing, providing airlines with excellent opportunity to increase their service offerings. For this reason, the HNA Group plans to buy hundreds more planes in the upcoming years. It is aware that in order to stay up with the current rate of market expansion, it will need to significantly increase its capacity. The additional aircraft will boost HNA’s capacity and provide the airline the ability to gain a larger portion of the air transit market, should demand continue to rise as forecasted.
READ MORE: http://pattayaone.news
SOURCE: http://simpleflying.com