Today 15th November is the 3rd day of the Airshow at the Al-Maktoum Airport South Of Dubai. The recap today is in regards to Airbus getting orders from Ethiopian Airlines for 11 Airbus A350-900. Ethiopian Airlines earlier in the week also made orders for the 787-9 jets and also the 737-8MAX.
This week to come we expect to see Turkish Airlines confirm the big Airbus orders which consist of the A321NEOS and the A350 models of both the -900 and the -1000 models. Emirates is expecting to make a big Airbus A350 order also but we cannot confirm when that will take place.
Riyadh Air a new Saudi Airline will make a hug order for the 737-8MAX but again cannot confirm when. It was our last day out at the Airshow today at AX Media Thailand. Was our first Airshow visit and we will be covering a lot more Airshows in the coming future. Stay tuned for more information and press release to come.
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