The main organization that encourages all sectors to develop voluntary greenhouse gas reduction projects in accordance with Thailand standards (T-VER) and certify them as “Carbon Credit” of Thailand organized a study visit and media-related events.
Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) continues to expand communication in order to create awareness of “Carbon Credit T-VER” to the public. to inform and educate the media about the control of greenhouse gases. Along with being able to join a study visit on the implementation of the carbon credit project through the T-VER project in the energy sector and the forest sector, all three projects
The first forest project in Thailand to enter the market for carbon credits and be able to sell credits is this one. The largest floating solar project in Southeast Asia is the 12.5 MW floating solar power plant at IRPC Public Company Limited. GC Estate, a model Eco Forest area, and the Rayong Wanarom Eco Forest Project, which can both buy and sell carbon credits at a rate per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent. most significant in Thailand.
Petroleum and Energy Personnel Education and Training Center Department of Military Energy, which will track advancements in the army’s use of renewable energy as well as research trips to learn about renewable energy and technology of to maximize the mission’s potential The TGO’s director, Mr. Kiatchai Maitriwong, and deputy director, Dr. Nattharika Wayupap Nitipon, cordially greeted representatives of the media from print, television, radio, and internet platforms.
The Director of TGO, Mr. Kiatchai Maitriwong, stated that the key guidelines and measures to reduce/store greenhouse gases in Thailand are to increase the proportion of renewable energy and increase the storage and absorption of greenhouse gases from the forest sector. Thailand has announced goals to achieve carbon neutrality (Carbon Neutrality) by the year 2050 and net greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2065.
By encouraging the planting of both natural and commercial forests Encourage the public and the private sector to get involved in reforestation. In order to achieve the nation’s target of reducing/storing GHG emissions from the forest sector and land use change of 120 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by the year 2037, maintain and restore forests in government, private, and public places.
By assuming The catalyst encourages all sectors to improve their abilities and dedication as they work to realize Thailand’s objectives. The number of organizations in the public and private sectors, as well as those in the local and global communities, has substantially expanded.
In the new environment, TGO will improve service using “TGO Service Platforms” that stress quick, simple access, current technology, and drive work based on the credo “Driving Ambition for Carbon Neutrality” which emphasizes proactive work.