The CCI increased to 53.8 in March from 52.6 a month earlier, marking the 10th consecutive month of growth, according to a poll by the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) of 2,241 respondents across the nation.

According to a study released on Tuesday (11 April), the government’s stimulus programs and a pickup in tourism helped Thailand’s consumer confidence index (CCI) hit a 37-month high in March.
The CCI increased to 53.8 in March from 52.6 a month earlier, marking the 10th consecutive month of growth, according to a poll by the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) of 2,241 respondents across the nation.
maximum levels in three years
All indicators increased in March to their greatest levels in three years, according to UTCC President Thanavath Phonvichai, showing that the economy had almost fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels. At a press conference, Thanavath stated that people were most eager to spend on tourism, which continues to be the key driver of the nation’s economy, followed by readiness to spend on durable items like cars and real estate.According to him, “consumers in the middle- and high-income groups are more willing to spend and would further drive the economy.”