When it was over the middle Bay of Bengal at 4 am on Friday, the cyclone was heading north at a speed of approximately 10 km/h with sustained winds of about 105 km/h. On Sunday or Monday (May 14–15), it is anticipated to make landfall over Myanmar.
The TMD warned locals to exercise caution in the affected areas because to the extreme weather conditions that could result in flash floods and overflows.

The department also predicted that due to strong southwesterly winds, waves in the upper Andaman Sea will grow to a height of 2-3 meters and extend outwards of 3 meters from Saturday through Monday. Small boats in the upper Andaman Sea ought to stay onshore until Monday, and all ships ought to travel cautiously.
Social media rumors that the nation would be pounded by two cyclones on Sunday, May 14, the day of the general election, were refuted by the TMD earlier on Tuesday.
Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, minister of digital economy and society, told the press on Tuesday that the department has not identified any storms that would affect Thailand between Tuesday and next Monday and that none are forming over the South China Sea.
Although Cyclone Mocha won’t make landfall in Thailand, he continued, its effect would bring about severe rains from Thursday through Sunday in the North.
On Sunday, the southwest winds will intensify, bringing heavy rain to nearly 60% of the nation, he noted.