Today, July 11, 2023, Thai Prime Minister-in-Care Prayut Chan-O-Cha made the official announcement that he was leaving the Ruam Thai Sang Chart party and politics. This concludes his nine-year Thai political career, which was launched by a coup in 2014. As the vote for the new Prime Minister is scheduled for this Thursday, July 13th, Prayut will serve out the remainder of his term as caretaker PM, which is almost finished.
Prayut made a brief remark in which he claimed to have “Done his best.”
Prayut was a polarizing character and extremely unpopular with progressive and liberal citizens, especially young people, as the leader of Thailand during a military-led coup and in control during the years of COVID-19 restrictions and border closures. Although he had a core group of military and Royalist allies, they did not abandon him while he was in charge.
In total, Prayut held the position of power for nine years, and his resignation fully ushers Thailand into its new chapter, which might start as early as this Thursday during the vote for Prime Minister. Pita Limjaroenrat, the highly charismatic and popular front-runner, is favored by many voters to become the next prime minister, but this is not a given because senators appointed by the Junta have threatened to obstruct his appointment and because Pita also has a legal stormcloud hanging over him in the form of an ongoing legal dispute involving his ownership of media shares that could prevent him from serving as PM.