By 2024, Air Hong Kong plans to retire every A300-600F.
According to information found in Cathay Pacific’s 2022 Annual Report and originally reported by CargoFacts, Air Hong Kong (LD, Hong Kong International) would retire its complete A300F aircraft by the end of the following year. All nine A300-600(F) aircraft will be returned to their lessors by the end of 2024 to be replaced with used A330F aircraft.

Together with the A300-600(F)s, Air Hong Kong’s fleet also includes two A330-200Fs and five A330-300(P2F)s, all of which, according to the interim report, are scheduled to be returned to their owners in 2027. The present A300F fleet of Air Hong Kong was bought between 2004 and 2005, according to ch-aviation fleets advanced data. The ninth aircraft, B-LDH (msn 871), is leased from Aircraft Engine Leasing Finance while the other eight aircraft are leased from DHL Express.

Since over two decades ago, when Air Hong Kong first acquired the A300-600(F)s, it has operated the aircraft primarily on behalf of DHL Express, with Cathay Cargo taking advantage of any available capacity (CX, Hong Kong International). The cargo airline now offers scheduled and charter service to important Asian locations. The current A330F aircraft were purchased in 2020 to replace B747-400(F) aircraft. While one of the A330-200Fs is leased from DHL Express and the other two from Altavair, all five A330-300(P2F)s are owned by DHL Air (D0, East Midlands).