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Emirates SkyCargo Introduces New Healthcare-Specific Freight Services

Emirates is growing its top-notch pharmaceutical freight services.

Two new services have been introduced by Emirates SkyCargo as part of its “Life Sciences and Healthcare” product line for the international healthcare sector.

Emirates increases its specialized shipping services

The Dubai-based carrier’s freight division, Emirates SkyCargo, has introduced two specialized services as part of its industry-leading Life Sciences and Healthcare portfolio: Emirates Vital (AXT) and Emirates Medical Devices (AXM).Divisional Senior Vice President and Emirates SkyCargo Nabil Sultan said,

We ship almost 2 million kg of pharmaceutical goods throughout the world each week as part of our Pharma business, which is already a market leader. We have invested more than $200 million in enhancing our skills since 2015, and as a result, we now have very strong knowledge and insights into the pharmaceutical industry and the larger life sciences sector.

Airline Vital

The “white-glove” freight service Emirates Vital claims to provide includes “transporting clinical trials, human organs and tissues, cell and gene therapy,” with accelerated transit times and designated vehicles on the ramp for connecting flights.Added Sultan,

“By paying attention to our customers, we identified an opportunity to support the global health industry’s advancements in individualized patient treatments and meet the growing demand for priority services in air cargo logistics to move sensitive materials and equipment, such as those used in the study of advanced therapies like gene editing and cell therapy.

It features bulk hold storage for quicker unloading and control tower supervision, making it the highest priority product level offered by Emirates SkyCargo.

Abu Dhabi Medical Devices

The company Emirates Medical Devices is dedicated to shipping medical supplies. MRI machines, test kits, ventilators, and other large and small pieces of medical equipment are just a few examples of the equipment it was made to handle. It will also provide temperature and non-temperature management.Both the European Medical Device Regulations (MDR) and the Medical Device Regulations and Good Distribution Practices (GDP), a set of minimum requirements governing the distribution of medical devices across the supply chain, shall be complied with by the service.

relating to Emirates SkyCargo

The two services will complement Emirates SkyCargo’s current three-tiered pharmaceutical freight options, Emirates Pharma, Pharma Plus, and Pharma Active, with Pharma Active providing the highest level of security and control. As its freight product line expands, the airline hinted upcoming changes.In addition to its fleet of 11 Boeing 777 freighters and two recently delivered Boeing 747Fs, Emirates also has belly room in the cargo holds of passenger planes.

It presently offers service to more than 150 locations on six continents, stating that its special position in the world allows it to “reach 2.5 billion people within 4 hours of flight.” In order to double its capacity over the next ten years, the cargo division plans to add 15 additional freighters to the fleet over the next five years, including 10 converted Boeing 777-300ERs and five new Boeing 777Fs. Additionally, Emirates will be adding two new widebody aircraft—the Airbus A350 and Boeing 777Xs—to its passenger fleet over the course of the following several years, increasing belly capacity.

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