On social media, the story about the unnamed man named Phakin who is accused of forging seven ID cards has gone viral. The man’s ID cards in Kanchanaburi province’s Muang district had the same photo and address, but different names were listed as the cardholder.
According to Director-General Manrat Rattanasukhon, the Bureau of Registration Administration of the department looked into the situation and discovered that the ID cards were fake.
The registrar of the department in Kanchanaburi declared that he will lodge a police report to pursue legal action [against Phakin].
He issued a warning that violators of Section 265 of the Criminal Code might be sentenced to six months to five years in prison and a fine of 10,000 to 100,000 baht.
Manrat said that Phakin wouldn’t be allowed to use his fake ID card in the upcoming general election, which is slated to take place on May 7 as a tentative date.
He explained that the voter’s name will be verified by government officials through comparison between the voter’s name on the ID card and the house registration book.
He stated that anyone with information on fake ID cards should call the Damrongdhama Center’s hotline at any time at 1567.