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Pheu Thai leader dismisses call for the party to withdraw from the coalition

A group of “red-shirt” supporters of the Pheu Thai party suggested that the party leave the coalition led by the Move Forward party or take the initiative in forging a coalition government. However, Cholnan Srikaew, the leader of the Pheu Thai party, dismissed their offer.

Members of the Pheu Thai fan club have the right to express their opinions, but Pheu Thai and its coalition partners have a responsibility to work out their differences in a democratic system, according to Dr. Cholnan’s Facebook post from Sunday afternoon.

Red-shirt supporters staged a protest at the Pheu Thai headquarters under the leadership of Niyom Nopparat, and they presented the party with a 5-point plan for consideration.

The group suggested that the Pheu Thai party allow the Move Forward party to form a new government, support its candidate for prime minister, Pita Limjaroenrat, and support the drafting of a new Constitution. The group also suggested that, if the Move Forward party is unable to form the government, the Pheu Thai party take the lead or leave the current coalition.

Niyom claimed that “some political groups” had spread untrue material about the Pheu Thai party in an effort to stoke animosity between the coalition’s members.

Invoking political precedent, he asserted that the party that won the second-highest number of House seats had never formed a coalition government with the party that had won the most seats.

Anusorn Iamsa-ard, an elective MP from the party list, accepted the proposal on behalf of the group.

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