After a five-year absence, Charlie Puth, the young singer-songwriter, has made a triumphant return to the hearts of his Thai fans, who fondly remember him as the creator of numerous hit songs. Affectionately known as the “Ai Taaw Khiew Bak” (Big-Eyed Boy) among Thai enthusiasts, Charlie Puth graced Bangkok once again on Friday, October 6, with his highly anticipated “Charlie Puth presents The ‘CHARLIE’ Live Experience” tour. This marked the third tour stop in Thailand, showcasing an evolved persona and musical style, while still retaining the endearing charm that captivated audiences from the start.
The concert, which spanned over two hours, unfolded in the mesmerizing IMAX Arena, enticing fans with a delightful blend of music and entertainment. Kicking off the evening in a vibrant blue ensemble, Charlie immersed the crowd with the opening tracks “Charlie Be Quiet!” and “No More Drama.” These first two songs set the tone for an energetic night, prompting fans to rise to their feet in anticipation of a thrilling experience. The hit single “Attention” followed suit, showcasing Charlie’s multi-talented skills as he effortlessly sang and played the piano. This was swiftly succeeded by “STAY,” a reimagined version of his collaboration with The Kid LAROI and Justin Bieber, a rendition that resonated deeply with the audience.
The concert continued to delight with an array of beloved tracks from Charlie’s latest album, fittingly titled “CHARLIE.” The setlist included fan favorites such as “Left and Right,” “Light Switch,” “I Don’t Think That I Like Her,” “That’s Hilarious,” as well as timeless classics like “BOY,” “We Don’t Talk Anymore,” “How Long,” “Done for.
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