In the six days of Songkran celebrations starting April 11th, 2,008 traffic incidents have resulted in a total of 236 fatalities and 2,005 injuries.
39.16% of traffic accidents were due to speeding, and 23.95% were due to drunk driving, according to the Department of Public Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. 78.39% of the accidents included motorcycles, 42.21% happened on Highways Department main roads, and 29.66% happened on minor roads. Straight roads saw 81.37% of the accidents.

The greatest accidents (12) and fatalities (15) occurred on Sunday in Kanchanaburi and Chumphon, respectively. Bangkok recorded the most fatalities (5).
Police pulled over 322,570 vehicles, including cars, motorbikes, and halted them for examination. 48,067 drivers are now facing charges, including 14,177 cases of driving without a license. Additionally, police stopped 13,127 motorcycle riders for not donning crash helmets.
In the early hours of the morning, accidents were most common. People aged 20 to 29 made up 9.87% of the fatalities and injuries.