Alcohol sales will be prohibited nationally on the two Saturdays of next month that are early voting day and election day in case intoxication causes voters to mark the incorrect box during Thailand’s upcoming elections.From 6 o’clock on May 6 until 6 o’clock on May 7, as well as from 6 o’clock on May 13 until 6 o’clock on May 14, no alcohol may be sold.
Two sober Saturday evenings, then. The alcohol restriction is applicable to all citizens of the kingdom, although foreigners are not permitted to vote in the election.Everywhere, including bars, convenience stores, weddings, and even public gatherings, alcohol sales and distribution are prohibited. Anyone who violates the ban faces a maximum fine of 10,000 baht and/or a six-month jail sentence.

The election law in Thailand forbids not only alcohol but also…
Vote buying and selling
not allowing qualified voters to cast their votes
supplying free transportation to polling places for qualified voters
intentionally tampering with a ballot
taking a picture of a ballot with voting marks
removing a ballot from a voting location
Showing polling data in the seven days prior to Election Day’s end of voting.
On Buddhist holidays in Thailand, such as Makha Bucha Day, Visakha Bucha Day, Asahna Bucha, Wan Khao Phansan, and Awk Phansa, alcohol sales are also prohibited. The lunar calendar causes the precise dates to change every year.There are numerous peculiar alcohol laws in Thailand. The Alcoholic Beverage Act, passed by the military junta in 1972, prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages from 2 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon.
Alcohol sales advertising is prohibited in Thailand as well. An internet image and assessment of a craft beer from 2020 resulted in a Thai man being given a suspended six-month prison sentence and a 150,000 baht fine, making headlines yesterday. The beer enthusiast added 150,000 baht to his bond amount in order to be released.