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Thousands protest pension reform in marches around France.

Nearly two weeks have passed since more than a million people demonstrated against raising the retirement age.

To oppose a government proposal to raise the retirement age, tens of thousands of people are protesting throughout France for a second time this month.

Huge masses marched through the streets of major towns to protest a change that would raise the retirement age by two years to 64 and put President Emmanuel Macron’s capacity to implement his programs to the test.

On Tuesday, deliveries to a French refinery were halted, along with service to public transportation and schools. A million people were protesting in Paris alone, according to the top CGT union on Tuesday.

After Macron lost his working majority in parliament, labor groups and left-leaning lawmakers are relying on a sizable protest turnout to help them in their efforts to kill the bill.

On January 19, a first wave of strikes and protests drew between one and two million participants, including tens of thousands in Paris.

11,000 officers have been brought in by the administration to deal with the protesters. As MPs start sparring in parliament over the government’s retirement reform bill, positions are becoming more rigid on both sides.

The reform was deemed “important” by Macron on Monday. Elisabeth Borne, his prime minister, stated over the weekend that increasing the retirement age to 64 is “no longer negotiable.”

Although a sizable majority of French people, according to polls, oppose the reform, Macron plans to keep his ground.

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