With the formal parts and spares markets currently blocked to Russian airlines, some are exploring for other solutions.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that Aeroflot is sending several of its A330s to Iran for maintenance. Almost simultaneously, it was revealed that individuals associated with S7 Airlines, Russia’s largest private airline, had bought a majority share in a company that manufactures parts and components for the aerospace and defense industries.
The implication is that S7 has gained ownership of the Berdsk Electromechanical Factory (BEMZ) (“еpдски лектромеаниески авод”- ) in order to manufacture its own components in the future. Interfax reported that a S7 subsidiary called OOO Engineering ( “нинирин”) had purchased 22,66% of Berdsk Electromechanical Factory, while an individual named Sergey Savchenkov, a former director of S7 Space (also part of the S7 Group), had purchased another 59.52%.
The Berdsk Electromechanical Factory, located near Novossibirsk in Siberia, was founded in 1959 and specializes in precision manufacturing of parts and components for the aircraft sector. The Russian space agency, Roskosmos, is apparently one of the entities that collaborates with the purchased company.
S7 temporarily halted its eight-strong Airbus A321 fleet in January 2023, citing planned and operational changes, although other voices on Russian social media forums suggested engine difficulties.