At the seminar “Thailand’s Future: Innovations for Guiding the Country,” which was jointly conducted at the Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok Hotel, the top executives gave speeches.

Keynote speakers included Dr. Kitipong Promwong, president of the National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council, Dr. Suwannee Singluedej, president & chief executive officer of Siemens Thailand, Dr. Pakorn Apaphant, executive director of the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Gistda), Dr. Chawapol Jariyawiroj, president of Huawei Technologies Thailand, and Dr. Sunthorn Srita, director of Ruamjairak Hospital.

A roadmap to AI and other innovations driving Thailand’s progress is provided by top executives. While the nation is implementing new technologies to spur development, Suwannee emphasized that the main environmental problem facing all sectors is achieving Thailand’s target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The objective is the sustainable development benchmark Thailand ratified at the UN Climate Change Conference in 2021. (COP26). Net zero refers to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as nearly as feasible to zero, with any leftover emissions being removed from the atmosphere by forests and other natural processes.
Suwannee expressed her satisfaction at learning that the government had launched a number of initiatives to aid the private sector in achieving net zero.
A roadmap to AI and other innovations driving Thailand’s progress is provided by top executives. In the meantime, Kitipong discussed how the five-year development strategy of the nation is driven by science and innovation.
The goal is to increase the number of digital innovation enterprises by developing a trained workforce. According to Kitipong, the goal is to free Thailand from the middle-income trap and contribute in the achievement of the net zero target while also boosting income and benefits for the general populace.
A roadmap to AI and other innovations driving Thailand’s progress is provided by top executives. According to Gistda’s Pakorn, his organization’s goal is to use space technology to advance Thailand’s digital and innovation sectors.
According to Pakorn, Gistda’s acquisition of satellite and space technology can be used for both smart farming and national security.
A roadmap to AI and other innovations driving Thailand’s progress is provided by top executives. Digital and artificial intelligence are becoming a part of people’s daily lives and business activities, according to Huawei’s Chawapol.
According to him, this was generating rapid and ongoing change to daily life through the disruption of enterprises by digital technology. He stated that consumer behavior was changing as a result of technology advancements.
According to Chawapol, the brisk pace of technology advancement is producing new ways to increase security. Business activities would move more quickly and conveniently with the aid of 5G wireless connectivity, cloud storage, and AI.
A roadmap to AI and other innovations driving Thailand’s progress is provided by top executives.
Sunthorn from Ruamjairak Hospital said the conference that the medtech trend for 2023 was being driven by new technology, which would improve patient care and boost medical professionals’ productivity.
Sunthorn cited the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), nanoprecision medicine, teleconsultations and telemedicine, big data, and virtual/augmented reality in healthcare as emerging medtech developments.